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Key contact:

P: 03 5333 8888​​

+ Not-for-Profit

Our solicitors are passionate about community and many have spent decades dedicating their personal time to sitting on boards and furthering the objects of various not-for-profit or for-purpose groups.


The experienced lawyers in our not-for-profit practice work with clients in the aged care industry, charities, clubs, foundations, hospitals, industry groups, business community, member-based organisations and educational organisations.


Our solicitors are extremely familiar with the challenges facing this sector including managing stakeholder relations, regulatory change and compliance, and meeting member expectations – all things that need to be managed with often limited resources.


We can help you with:


  • Establishing a new not-for-profit or charity

  • Ensuring you have the right structure

  • Effective governance including policy development

  • Amendments to Rules or Constitutions

  • Mergers and amalgamations

  • Applying for, obtaining and maintaining endorsements and registrations

  • ACNC governance standards

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